
Baby Corriedale™ es poducida bajo los principios del Comercio Justo, proviene de la Patagonia Chilena y tiene un impacto positivo social y ambiental. Además, es suave, ligera y elástica. ¿Sabes por qué? Al ser de los animales jóvenes tiene tan solo 21 micras de finura. Al ser una lana cardada es un hilo esponjoso al que además le hemos dado una torsión precisa y un terminado vaporoso haciéndola flexible, con una hermosa definición de punto y textura única.
1/4 The Sheep Farm
Raw Merino Wool
Punta Arenas, Magallanes Region, Patagonia, Chile
Our Patagonian Merino wool is sourced from an expert sheep farm with +30 years of experience producing the finest merino wool and caring for the health of the soil and environment.

2/4 Wool scouring and washing
Hilandería Talca
Washed Merino Wool
Talca, Maule Region, Chile
The wool is scoured and washed to remove the lanolin (wool grease) and vegetables using a small-scale processing unit and skilled artisans. Clean wool is essential of the final product to have the highest quality.

3/4 Wool Mill
Gorgeous Fiber Mill
Quintessence & Co
Spun Wool Yarn
Llay Llay, Valparaiso Region, Chile
Our cleaned Merino wool is then taken to the Quintessense & Co's wool mill in the city of Llay-Llay. Quintessence is the best wool producer in Chile and is recognized around the world for its unique alpaca wool. Their +30 year of experience carding and spinning the finest yarns are put to good work on our Patagonian Merino, producing the most exquisite, soft, squishy, and luxurious Merino yarn you will feel.

4/4 Hand Dyeing
Hand dyed wool skeins
Talca, Maule Region, Chile
Bagual's Patagonian Merino wool is hand-dyed by Danae found of La Nube de Colores (The Color's Cloud) with her unique style of vivid and variegated colors.